In line with many of your favourite magazines you can now read Fourthwall Magazine (Incorporating The Drama Student) via your iPad, tablet, Kindle Fire, smartphone or online using your PC or Mac.
The summer issue featuring Andrew Scott is now available.
We’re keen that as many people as possible get to read Fourthwall (incorporating The Drama Student). There are many benefits to subscribing online:
* You will be able to access the latest edition of the magazine ahead of the printed magazine being released;
* For our overseas subscribers you will be able to subscribe without the prohibitive costs of postage;
* Over the coming months, the online subscription version of the magazine will feature video and audio supplements for chosen articles;
* The online version of the magazine will feature extra photos and content excluded from the print version due to space limitations;
* Direct online links to advertisers from within the magazine. You will never have to remember a website URL again. Touch an advertisement to be forwarded directly to the advertisers website.
We’ve also begun digitising the archive of issues right back to when we started as The Drama Student, which will be made available online either as individual issues or as part of a back issue bundle.
For some of our older readers, the introduction of the magazine in this electronic medium will allow the reader to adjust the print size to suit their needs. Readers can zoom in on certain stories or images to allow easy reading.
With the new system you will also have the ability to store your past issues electronically recalling them as needed.
During 2014, we’ll be launching some exciting new special feature publications that will only be available electronically. These feature publications will start in 2014 and will include a range of specialised subjects.
Yes, it’s a bold new frontier. The magazine will continue unaffected, but this new electronic edition, we hope will offer readers some exciting new options and a chance to sample so much more of what studying and working in the performing arts is all about.
Find out more about our online editions through the App Store (search Fourthwall Magazine), via the online news stand, or through Pocketmags.
For those of you without a tablet or e-reader, the prices of tablets continue to tumble. Take a look at this great offer from Amazon.
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